
Showing posts from October, 2020

Three Quick Tips on Choosing the Right Color of Blinds

    So you've done your fall cleaning and spruced up your home for winter. Most people spend much more time in their homes during the winter season as they prepare their house for the holidays. Now that your home is looking neat and tidy, you notice that your plastic mini-blinds have yellowed and cracked. Your living room and kitchen need new blinds. Before you pack up, run to the nearest hardware store and buy a box of cheap, white mini-blinds (only to realize that these blinds do absolutely nothing for the rooms that you worked so hard on to freshen up), here are three quick tips on choosing the right color of blinds for your home. Wall Color One route you can go is to make those blinds blend into the room by choosing a color that matches your walls. The blinds will seem much less obtrusive and less like a white sheet hanging on your wall when the blinds are closed. If your walls are white, they generally are a certain shade of white. Bright, white blinds on eggshell white ...