
Showing posts from May, 2021

Spring Cleaning Your Blinds

  It was a long winter, but spring has finally arrived! It's time to get out the 'ol mop, bucket and rags and get cleaning. One of the most dreaded items to clean is those dusty blinds. Here are a few tips to help make that task of spring cleaning your blinds a bit easier. Aluminum and Vinyl Blinds Aluminum blinds are the most common type of blinds found in homes today. The good thing is, they are relatively easy to clean. Lower blinds and slightly tilt them downwards. Use mild detergent soap and wipe each blind clean. Take care not to bend them because you will end up with a permanent chink in the blind. Always start from the top and work your way down. Gently wipe them dry. You may consider vacuuming your blinds first to remove the extra dust so the dirt will not smear when you clean them with a wet cloth. Wood Blinds Spring cleaning rule number one is never use water. Water on wood blinds can cause warping over time. A clean, dry, microfiber cloth is best. Tilt the blinds un...