Spring Cleaning Your Blinds
It was a long winter, but spring has finally arrived! It's time to get out the 'ol mop, bucket and rags and get cleaning. One of the most dreaded items to clean is those dusty blinds. Here are a few tips to help make that task of spring cleaning your blinds a bit easier.
Aluminum and Vinyl Blinds
Aluminum blinds are the most common type of blinds found in homes today. The good thing is, they are relatively easy to clean. Lower blinds and slightly tilt them downwards. Use mild detergent soap and wipe each blind clean. Take care not to bend them because you will end up with a permanent chink in the blind. Always start from the top and work your way down. Gently wipe them dry. You may consider vacuuming your blinds first to remove the extra dust so the dirt will not smear when you clean them with a wet cloth.
Wood Blinds
Spring cleaning rule number one is never use water. Water on wood blinds can cause warping over time. A clean, dry, microfiber cloth is best. Tilt the blinds until they are almost closed and gently dust one blind at a time, starting from the top and working your way down. After finishing one side, then tilt the blinds in the opposite direction and repeat the process. You may also want to complete your project by adding a little wood conditioner to protect the wood.
Faux Wood Blinds
Cleaning faux wood blinds is easy. They do not bend like aluminum blinds, and you can spot clean them with a damp cloth, unlike wood blinds. The process is the same as cleaning wood blinds. A little tip for keeping dust and dirt from sticking to these blinds is to wipe them down with a dryer sheet.
Fabric Blinds
Fabric blinds are becoming more popular due to their ability to both filter light and provide privacy. Some styles are excellent at reducing your heating and cooling bills because of their ability to provide window insulation. However, fabric blinds do require more frequent cleaning to keep them fresh and dust-free. The best tool to clean fabric blinds is your vacuum cleaner. Use a soft brush attachment and, once again, always start from the top and work your way down. You can also spot clean them with clear, mild detergent and blot dry. Make sure to leave your blinds down to let any moisture dry thoroughly. If the spots continue to remain, it's best to get fabric blinds professionally cleaned.
Another Tip
It is best before cleaning your blinds to make sure you read the manufacturer's suggestions on how to maintain your blinds. The above are general cleaning tips for the most common styles of blinds.
So, now, it's time to get busy spring cleaning your blinds! You will love the way they look once you have finished. After all, summer is just around the corner, and you will want to enjoy looking out your windows at the beautiful weather!
If you have any questions about cleaning your blinds, give the blind experts at Blind Solutions of Colorado a call. We are here to help keep your windows beautiful.
Happy Spring!
Blind Solutions of Colorado
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